
Boss WL-20 - Wireless System

804.00 zł
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Supersound.pl - Sklep Muzyczny
Supersound.pl - Sklep Muzyczny

Krakowiaków 64A
02-255 Warszawa

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Opis produktu:

Have you always dreamed about going wireless with your instrument, but were put off by the complicated setup, tone loss, and bulky adds-ons? If so, the WL-20 series is for you! Driven by new lightning-fast BOSS tech, these ultra-compact music tools deliver premium sound and plug-and-play operation that completely eliminates all the hassles normally associated with wireless systems.

Once you experience the easy wireless independence provided by the WL-20 series, you’ll never go back to using a standard cable again! With no worries about cable management, you’re able to move about freely while playing at home, jamming with friends, and performing on stage. During sound check at a gig, you can listen to your tone out front and dial in the best sound for your audience. And with the ability to roam and interact with other musicians, your live shows will be more dynamic and entertaining than ever.

  • Plug-and-play wireless systems for guitar, bass, and other electronic instruments
  • No complicated setup required—simply dock the transmitter and receiver together for about 10 seconds to set the optimum wireless connection
  • Newly developed BOSS technology delivers premium audio performance with rock-solid stability, ultra-low latency (2.3 ms), and 50-foot/15-meter range (line-of-sight propagation)*
  • Built-in rechargeable batteries provide up to 12 hours of continuous playing time**
  • Simple charging with a standard USB adaptor (5 V/500 mA or greater)
  • Cable tone simulation reproduces the natural capacitive effect of a 10-foot/3-meter guitar cable (WL-20 model only)
  • Spare WL-T Transmitter available separately
Lightning-Fast BOSS Wireless Technology
Equipped with high-performance BOSS wireless technology that debuted in the Katana-Air wireless guitar amp, the WL-20 series delivers exceptional sound quality with wide dynamic range. Working in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, the optimum channel is set automatically to ensure rock-solid audio performance with absolutely no drop-outs. And with ultra-low latency of just 2.3 ms, you’ll always enjoy great playing feel with no lag whatsoever. Up to 14 BOSS wireless systems can be used simultaneously in one space, allowing multiple musicians to enjoy wireless freedom at the same time.*

Automatic Wireless Setup
With the WL-20 series, there’s no fiddly channel setup required. Just dock the transmitter and receiver together for about 10 seconds to automatically set the optimum connection.

WL-20: Built-In Cable Tone Simulation
If you play a guitar or bass with standard passive pickups (the most common pickup type), the WL-20 model is probably your best choice. It includes built-in cable tone simulation, which reproduces the natural capacitive effect that’s introduced when using a 10-foot/3-meter guitar cable with passive pickups. This effect rolls off the treble very slightly, giving you the warm tone you’re used to hearing with a normal cable.

WL-50: A BOSS Wireless System for Your Pedalboard
If you’re looking to bring wireless freedom to your pedalboard, check out the WL-50. Equipped with the same high-performance wireless tech found in the WL-20 and WL-20L, the stompbox-size WL-50 features an integrated transmitter dock, two cable tone simulation options, and a DC output for distributing power to one or more pedals.

Plug In and Rock
A WL-20 system is literally as simple to use as a standard guitar cable. The small transmitter plugs into your instrument, while a matching receiver plugs into a pedal or amp. That’s it!

Easy Charging via USB
When docked, the built-in batteries in the transmitter and receiver can be charged together with a standard USB adaptor (5 V/500 mA or higher), the same type used with the latest smartphones and tablets. The transmitter and receiver can also be charged separately, and a micro USB cable is included for charging.

WL-20L: No Cable Tone Simulation
The WL-20L model is functionally identical to the WL-20, with the exception that it eliminates cable tone simulation. This makes it the best choice for instruments where cable capacitance has little or no effect on the tone, such as an acoustic/electric guitar with an onboard preamp, a guitar or bass with active pickups, or a line-level device like a keytar or Roland’s Aerophone digital wind instrument. The WL-20L also works great with passive pickups if you don’t need the subtle treble roll-off provided by cable tone simulation.

Wireless FormatBOSS proprietary digital audio format
Wireless carrier frequency2.4 GHz
Compatible Channels14
(May vary due to local conditions)
Transmission RangeUp to 50 feet line-of-sight
(May vary due to local conditions)
Latency2.3 ms
Dynamic Range110 dB or greater
Frequency Response20 Hz--20 kHz
Nominal Output Level-10 dBu
Output Impedance1 k ohm
Recommended Load Impedance10 k ohms or greater
ConnectorsOutput plug: 1/4-inch TRS phone type
TRANSMITTER jack: 1/4-inch TRS phone type
DC IN 5 V port: USB Micro-B type
Power SupplyRechargeable lithium-ion battery
Supplied from the DC IN 5 V port
Current DrawDuring wireless operation: 60 mA
While charging: 500mA
Battery charging timeCharging only the receiver: Approximately 3 hours
Charging simultaneously with the transmitter: Approximately 4 hours
Expected battery life under continuous useApproximately 10 hours
* These figures will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.
Owner's Manual
Micro USB cable for charging (*1)
*1: Use a standard USB AC adaptor (5 V/over 0.5 A) for charging.
Copyright © INFOMUSIC 2017
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25 maja 2018 roku zaczęło obowiązywać Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (określane jako "RODO", "ORODO", "GDPR" lub "Ogólne Rozporządzenie o Ochronie Danych"). W związku z tym chcielibyśmy poinformować Cię o przetwarzaniu Twoich danych oraz zasadach, na jakich będzie się to odbywało po dniu 25 maja 2018 roku. Poniżej znajdziesz podstawowe informacje na ten temat.
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Administratorem, czyli podmiotem decydującym o tym, jak będą wykorzystywane Twoje dane osobowe, jest INFOMUSIC. Rejestr firm: INFOMUSIC z siedzibą w Gdańsku przy ul. Zielona 20/14  80-746 Gdańsk, Nr ewidencyjny: 112588, Numer VAT: NIP PL 584 2259505, REGON 192 886 210.  Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące administratorów znajdują się w naszej Polityce prywatności 
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Chodzi o dane osobowe, które są zbierane w ramach korzystania przez Ciebie z naszych usług, w tym stron internetowych, serwisów i innych funkcjonalności udostępnianych przez INFOMUSIC,w tym zapisywanych w plikach cookies, które są instalowane na naszych stronach przez nas oraz naszych Zaufanych Partnerów.
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Zebrane dane osobowe przechowujemy na terenie Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego („EOG”), ale mogą one być także przesyłane do kraju spoza tego obszaru i tam przetwarzane. 

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